Our Team

ROSA Remmerswaal

My Classes:

“Practicing yoga is a way for me to keep balanced in this hectic, energetic and sometimes demanding world.  Stepping on the yoga mat every day learns me to connect body and mind. The consistency of doing every day the same yoga practice gives her a mirror to my life. It teaches me how to deal with the struggles I face on the mat and how to cope with these feelings and emotions in daily life and wants to share this with our yoga community.”

About class:
Powerful and dynamic class, but because you flow together with the other students, you’ll leave the class grounded and energized.

I love: hiking, enjoy nature or doing creative activities

NÍVE Fehily

My Classes:

“I'm Níve, a yoga and Pilates instructor from Ireland. After qualifying as a physiotherapist eight years ago, I have dedicated my time to helping others improve their well-being and health through movement. My approach integrates therapeutic exercise with a deep understanding of the body, aiming to create strength, flexibility, and overall wellness.”

About class:
> Mat Pilates - The class is designed to enhance core strength, flexibility, and posture, while also promoting overall body balance and alignment. Under the guidance of a physiotherapy professional, you'll receive personalised attention and modifications to ensure safe and effective workouts tailored to your needs. Whether you're recovering from an injury, looking to prevent future issues, or simply aiming to improve your fitness, our class offers a therapeutic approach to help you achieve your wellness goals.

I love: nature, running through beautiful Portuguese trails or surfing the ocean's waves

GABI Brisolla

My Classes:

“I'm passionate about movement and growth. I believe yoga can be an amazing tool to help us navigate life's challenges. My classes are a space for us to explore our yoga practice and slow down, observing what we need in each moment.”

About classes:
> Gentle Vinyasa
: We move consciously in the pace of our breath, feeling deeply into our body's sensations while strengthening our minds and opening our hearts through gentle and constant movement.

>Yoga for nervous system reset - A moment to pause, observe, and feel into all the little things that often go by unnoticed. We use pranayama, meditation, and yoga nidra as tools to breathe into a deeper level of consciousness.

I love: exploring new places in nature, reading a good book, cooking for friends and dancing


My Classes:

“I started my yoga journey as a teenager. As a university student I was struggling to focus and quiet my mind, that I started taking more frequent yoga classes, and being more passionate about the yoga practice. This led me to do my first 250 hours yoga teacher training in Integral yoga. Soon after I started teaching regular classes in Portuguese and in English. The passion keeps growing as a teacher to take yoga to others who might need it as much as I did when I started "

About class:
Complete practice of breathing exercises (pranayama), moving the body with asanas to create strength, flexibility, balance with awareness, incorporating mudras and bandhas, and ending the class with relaxation and sometimes mantra. I love to bring to my classes incorporating new elements of the practice. The students leave the class relaxed but feel the body worked as well.


My Classes:

“Movement, nature and discovery. I believe that yoga is a beautiful way to discover out inner self, calming our mind to open our hearts. To live, nourish and connect with each others, to cultivate self-love and see our life as a miracle. Practicing is always challenging, fulfilling and different, but the more I practice the more I love it. And to share this feeling is something that really makes me happy.”

About class:
Combining fluid and gentle movements of Vinyasa and Yin Yoga, my classes can be little energetic first but also very relaxing. I mix natural flows, somatic exercises, deep stretches & openers. Some of them can be more challenging, others just to surrender, feel and be present.I use essential oils and small massage to deepen in the savasana. 


My Classes:

“I’ve always been fascinated by our inner world so I dedicated most of my life to exploring it. The different practices I studied and life experiences led me to the understanding that what is at the core of a fulfilled and resilient individual is an unwavering inner shelter built on self love and self trust. I believe that there are many different paths that can lead to this; the ones that impacted me most were the practice of kundalini yoga and psychotherapy. Today I combine both as a therapist and yoga teacher.”

About class:
Kundalini yoga is a distinct type of yoga that combines the use of breathing, postures and sound to help you come back home to yourself and develop your full potential. Also called the yoga of awareness, it is a wonderful and effective technology to feel and be empowered, at peace and radiant. I can only invite you to experience it by yourself as its effects go beyond words.


My Classes:

“I'm Cristiana and recently, I embarked on an incredible journey to India to complete an intensive 200-hour YTT. Immersing in the rich traditions and guided by revered masters, I deepened my knowledge and connection to the essence of yoga. Now, back in Portugal, I am thrilled to share the authentic practice of Yoga while growing as a yoga teacher and as a person.”

About class:
The classes is designed to align and calm your body, mind, and spirit in preparation for meditation. The focus is on the present moment while connecting asanas with our breath.You will leave the class relaxed, without any tension in your body, and with renewed energy. Whether you are new to yoga or looking to deepen your practice, the classes offer a welcoming space to explore and grow.

I love: nature, travel, music, photography

ARINA Timosenko

My Classes:

I started my journey in yoga naturally through my family because since I was a little girl I saw my mom practicing every morning. When I started practicing yoga I quickly realized that the practice was giving me so much more than I could have ever imagined. The practice began to affect all areas of my life making me stronger not only physically but also internally.”

About class:
Through the development of strength, flexibility, stamina and mobility we prepare our body and mind to develop the practice. Thanks to breathing and concentration of the mind we explore and open up to new horizons of our mind and body.

I love: hiking alone and connecting with nature


My Classes:

Yoga brings me a sense of commitment and discipline. Beyond a practice it is a vision and a way of interacting with the world. This ancient tradition is here to help us realize who we truly are through the fire of asanas and the stillness of pranayama and meditation.”

About class:
Hatha literally means “forceful”. The classes have a strong Hatha flow, adaptable to all levels, always incorporating breath work, meditation and themes from the scriptures

I love: sustainable gardening and agriculture, surfing, hiking, exploring arts such as watercolor and writing


My Classes:

“Yoga, specially yogic philosophy and Ayurveda, gave me answers on many questions that arose during my life. My personal practice started with meditation and breath work and continued to exploring slow practice of Yin, followed by Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa. That led me to start sharing yoga with students and teach. As the life goes on my yoga practice and education follow my life situation so currently I am very interested in Ayurveda and Prenatal Yoga.”

About class:
Yoga is very beneficial during pregnancy as the woman is going through many changes - on the physical, mental, emotional and even though spiritual level. Yoga can help to create a balance in all stages of pregnancy and also prepare woman for childbirth by physical postures also relaxing body techniques and body awareness, by working with breath, applying visualizations and meditation techniques.

love: spend free time in woods or at the beach, walks with my dog, photography, books, painting

JOANA Videira

My Classes:

“I’ve been practicing Yoga since I was 15 years old. Yoga has been an important part of my life, my growth and my journey, a practice that has given me more than I could ever describe in words. After years of practicing and studying Hatha Yoga, in the last five years I have dived into the practice and study of Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga. As I see it, Yoga can be a powerful technology that can help in the process of creating your own personal imprint in this world.”

About class:
In my classes I follow the Vinyasa system, which means, essentially, that every movement has a prescribed breath attached to it. As moving meditation, in transitions and in (more or less) complex postures (asanas) I always remind the practitioners to come back to the awareness of their breath. In this class we´ll use permanence, movement and transition connected to breathing patterns as tools to gain further awareness over the process of self-creation of our body and mind.

love: reading, writing and move as ways to connect with the creative part of myself


My Classes:

“My experience with Yoga started 12 years ago when I discovered the physical benefits of Hatha Yoga, which made me want to go deeper into exploring also from an energetic and spiritual viewpoint. This also helped me greatly in dealing with my own anxiety and fears. Later on, I developed my own teaching practice with students and young professionals in both Sweden and Portugal and the journey has been developing since then.:)”

About class:
Class involves a therapeutic and playful immersion in Hatha and Yin Yoga with focus on both dynamic and gentle poses as well as various breathing exercises. We aim to work with both our limitations and possibilities and explore our bodies and breath in a safe space, while resetting our nervous system. Also, you might benefit from a different approach to Yoga, one that is more focused on your own personal journey, listening more to your body and becoming aware of possible patterns. Through mindful practices, the aim is to offer a safe space in which you can perhaps return back home to your true Self with curiosity and compassion.

I love: reading, dancing, exploring nature with my dog, traveling and learning new languages


My Classes:

“I always loved to find different ways of leading people through my Physiotherapy sessions. Every person and their bodies are unique and sometimes need different approaches to reconnect with themselves, so i kept exploring and learning more about the human body and its emotional connections.

Within Yoga i discovered a powerful and holistic tool which also led me to a deeper connection to myself. Yoga gives me a better understanding of the connection between the human body and mind.

I like to use the background knowledge as a Physiotherapist & Pilates instructor to combine it with Vinyasa & Hatha elements.”

About class:
During the class we reconnect to our emotions led by meaningful music flowing from one pose to the next in sync with our breath. After repeating the same sequence multiple times to get into the rhythm, we finally "dance" our choreographed flow to the beat of the music.

Yoga takes you into the present moment, the only place where life exists.”


Be part of Green Nest

Are you also passionate to Yoga? Do you believe that Yoga is more than only physical activity on yoga mat?

We believe that Yoga is much more. It is holistic attitude that can help us improve our Heath but also heal our Souls. If you resonate with this idea we will be happy to get in touch with you. :)